My name is Fabio and I am a game and sound designer from Zurich, Switzerland. I am a member of Okomotive, and am currently working on FAR: Lone Sails. Therefore I am not available for work. If you still would like to get in touch, please feel free to write to fabio_baumgartner(at)
I am interested in both technical and creative stuff. So naturally, after finishing an education as application developer and working as software developer for three years, I decided to go back to school and study game design. I finished the game design bachelor programme at the Zurich University of the Arts and am now working as a game and sound designer.
When I am not working or playing a wide range of different digital and analogue games, purely out of professional curiosity of course, I love hiking as well as drawing and painting. Oh, and I cook and eat a lot.
Fabio Baumgartner
Currently not looking for work.
German, English
Game Design, Sound Design, Programming, Unity, Project Management, Teaching